Herbalife Volume Points
If you are thinking about using the Herbalife products or becoming a Herbalife distributor, an understanding of Herbalife Volume Points will be of great benefit to you.
Herbalife Volume Points
Each Herbalife product is assigned a Volume Point Value. For example, the Herbalife Shake, or Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, has a Volume Point Value of 23.95 Volume Points. Therefore, no matter where in the Herbalife world you are, or in what currency you pay for your Herbalife products, the Volume Point Value of your order will be the same everywhere.
Move up the Marketing Plan by accumulating Volume Points in these ways:
- PPV = Personally Purchased Volume
Volume purchased by you directly from Herbalife using your Herbalife ID number
- DLV = Downline Volume
Volume purchased by your non-Supervisor downline Distributors directly from Herbalife, ordering between 25% to 42% discount using their Herbalife ID numbers. - OV = Organizational Volume
The personal volume points of all your Supervisors, three Supervisor Levels deep. This is the Volume Points on which a Supervisor is paid a Royalty Override of up to 5%.
Personal Volume (PV)
- Volume purchased directly from Herbalife by you (PPV) plus the volume purchased by all your non-Supervisor downline Distributors who orders at a discount of between 25% to 42% (DLV) in that same calendar month.
- It therefore excludes any 50% discount orders by Qualifying Supervisors and orders of Fully Qualified Supervisors and their distributors.
- Your PV, PPV and DLV can be tracked by logging in to your www.myherbalife.com website using your unique Herbalife ID number and PIN code.
Your Personal Volume Points determine you discount level.
For example:
You are a distributor living in Australia. You sponsor B, a distributor living in England. B places an order for 200 Volume Points at a 25% from Herbalife on the 12th of the month. Both you an B now have 200 Personal Volume Points, because B’s volume points is part of your DLV which counts for you too.
If you now place an order of 300 volume points from Herbalife in the same calendar month, that order will push your Personal Volume for the month to 500 volume points, and therefore you will purchase that 300 volume point order at a 35% discount. This will also qualify you to the Senior Consultant level. You will never fall back to the 25% discount again.
Your Volume Points and the Volume Points purchased by your Distributors who are not yet Supervisors, count for you as Personal Volume and will help you qualify to the next discount levels.
Whether you are in Spain, South Africa, Ireland, Australia, United States or where ever in the Herbalife World you might find yourself, you will get equal treatment from the Herbalife Marketing Plan.
If we therefore say, “you only need to buy 300 more Volume Points to qualify to the Next Level”, it basically means you can make up any order of Herbalife products which have a combined Volume Point Value of more than 300 Volume Points.
Herbalife Volume Points are only valid for the calendar month in which they were acquired.
On the 1st of every new month, we all start with ZERO Personal Volume Points.
We then build on these Volume Points as the month progresses and our total Personal Volume for that particular month, is the total on the last day of the month (called “month end”).
The first of the next month, we all start at ZERO again.
The reason behind this, is so Herbalife can have a cut-off date to calculate everyone’s commissions and profits generated from those orders, which is then paid on the 15th and 21st of the following month.
Related Articles:
Herbalife Volume Points Explained
If you have any further questions on Herbalife volume points, you are more than welcome to leave a question in the Livefyre comment section below and we will endevour to find your answer with you.
Tags: discounts in herbalife, herbalife discounts, herbalife points, herbalife points system, herbalife volume, herbalife volume points, points in herbalife, volume points
Leave A Reply (53 comments so far)
How many rs in 1 volume point
My order tracking status is not coming in my mobile as message which earlier I used to get the link on my mobile number.
I am a gold preferred customer with 35% discount and 1545 volume points. When shall I get next level of discount?
My walume point check
To make 35-42 discount% how many volume points should be ?
35% 500 documented points in one month
42% 1,000 documented points in one month
500 Volume point in one time? Or may take 3-4 months to make 500 vp
My walume point check
I like Herbalife best in this world thank you so much
Please I’m asking if you register today and buy things to 500 volume point will you enjoy the next discount
yes, 35%
How to know my poins
I want my Herbalife volume points
What are my total volume points & how i can achieve points to attain Supervisor stage ?
When you log into your myherbalife.com website, you can see your total volume points and all your other information. How to qualify supervisor has been discussed elsewhere on this website. There are a few methods. You choose the one that suits you best.
I want my volume points
Log into your myherbalife website. That is your own Herbalife online office. Your volume point data and all other information is there.
Sanoj kumar m n
I want my purchase volume points
I want my volume points
Volume points in Herbalife
I want my point n l want to change email address
Please contact your local Herbalife Member Services in your country. They will be able to help you.
Please am ID 7617510823
I haven’t been receiving emails from herbal life my new active emails is helmsphendy@gmail.com
And my new number is 0205307544
Please contact your local Herbalife Member Services in your country. They will be able to assist you.
Hi. Did I approved already? I joined last month but I didn’t receive my Email
Please contact your local Herbalife Member Services in your country for assistance.
I want to know ma pin and ma points
Please contact your local Herbalife Member Services. They will assist you.
I want to see my volume points
I want to know my volume ponts
How to track my volume points
My volume points?
I want to know my volume point
My herbal life product gud
My ID is WIY0258121
I want to know my volume points
I don’t understand volume points please explain clearly
Volume poin is a currency all countries is different crrancy
hi this is goutam das my id is w1x1370125 i wanted to know my volume point
Are distributors paid based on their volume points
Distributors earn Retail Profit by selling the products to consumers. They make Wholesale Profit by selling the products directly to their own distributors who buy at a lower discount than them. They earn Royalty bonuses (if they themselves are supervisors) who have supervisors in their organisation. The supervisors can earn between 0-5% on the organisational volume, i.e. the volume done in that month by his own supervisors, 3 levels deep. I trust that this will answer your question.
herbalife accept the challenges if other failed.all the best
I’m trying to find how to check my supervisor points and their members I don’t see them anywhere! I have bizworks! I’m World Team working toward AWT and need to know how to get there!! Thanks for your help!!
Only f 1 has volume points not f3
All Herbalife products carry a volume point value. One vp = $1US (roughly). It is to create a universal “Herbalife currency” for all the countries in which Herbalife operates. If you do 500vp in your country and I do 500 vp in mine, we get the same amount of products, however we pay for it in different currencies. Herbalife’s commissions are worked out on the amount of montly volume points purchased from Herbalife.
ALL the Herbalife products carry a volume point value. Including Formula 3.
Hai I use Herbalife gud permanence gud work
Fantastic. Keep it going!
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