Herbalife protein shakes, lose weight and two dress sizes
Hi, I’m Charlene and I started using Herbalife protein shakes, just under a year ago, to lose weight in the hope of dropping a dress size or two. I have tried so many other diets. I would always end up losing lots of weight during the first few weeks, but then after a few months I ended up putting all the weight back on again. Sometimes I would put on even more weight than I lost, which was very depressing.
Eldred and Michelle introduced me to the Herbalife products and gave me the option to register with Herbalife in order to get my 25% discount.
The first week, I tried Herbalife protein shake recipes for my breakfast and then again for supper, before going to bed. After one week, I noticed my work uniform was a lot looser around my tummy area. I was so excited because it meant something was happening. Something good was happening – I was losing inches! A few months passed. I wanted to lose weight and here I went from a size 14 to a size 10 dress! (Compulsory Legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
I felt like a new woman. I always had trouble keeping my weight under control, but with the Herbalife protein shake recipes I tried, I managed to lose weight and maintained it as well. As a dental nurse, I have a very busy work schedule and work long hours. With Herbalife, I find it easy to use, as it fits into my schedule very conveniently.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG0OGL6nYXM&w=560&h=315]
I now have a Herbalife shake for my breakfast. I also have a Herbalife shake before I go walking or to the gym, as it gives me the energy boost I need. I find I can train harder for longer.
I tried some other Herbalife flavours, but I always stick to the chocolate flavour as it is my favourite. I never seem to get enough of it.
If you would like to have some advice on our products or would like to lose weight like I did, then I would love to help you achieve your own goals. The Herbalife protein shakes with chocolate is simple and delicious.
I will help you to reach your goals. Contact me at charlenemcelchar@hotmail.com
p.s. It is not just me. If you want to see what results other people get on the Herbalife protein shakes, just click here.
Tags: herbalife protein shakes, join herbalife now, lose weight and two dress sizes, lose weight now
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