LA Galaxy and Herbalife partners with A Place Called Home to give back to the local community
Herbalife partners:
The LA Galaxy Foundation and Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) partnered with non-profit youth center, A Place Called Home (ACPH), in November last year to distribute and serve Thanksgiving dinner to more than 1,200 Los Angeles families.
Team Herbalife joined many volunteers including former LA Galaxy and USMNT star Cobi Jones and five-time MLS Cup winner Todd Dunivant, in addition to LA Galaxy President Chris Klein and Herbalife Family Foundation officials, were on hand at APCH to help distribute food and turkeys to families planning on cooking their meal at home.
Every year LA Galaxy Foundation and Herbalife Family Foundation team up with APCH to provide Thanksgiving meals to over 1,000 families in the Los Angeles community.
Herbalife partners with many different foundations around the world to help make the world a better place. When you join Herbalife, Herbalife partners with you, and you become part of this amazing Herbalife legacy.
Join Team Herbalife:
My wife and I are independent Herbalife distributors since March 1996. We both got great results on the products and enjoy using it every day.
Being happy, healthy, and prosperous is a choice. For us, choosing Team Herbalife, was one of the better decisions of our lives.
Although we are both professionals, we recommend the Herbalife products to everyone who wants to improve their health and well-being.
We have built a network of like-minded people all around the world and we love it!
We are a typical Herbalife family. Our kids love the products as much as we do.
The Herbalife business opportunity is arguably one of the best in the network marketing industry, paying back 73% of the gross turnover to its members and distributors via retail profits, wholesale profits, royalties and bonuses. This allows us to provide amazing value to each member who chooses to join our network.
We love building a residual monthly income with this opportunity. You build something now, that will outlast you. Your business can be left to your beneficiaries.
The combination of these amazing products with this solid compensation plan, makes Herbalife in our eyes the best network marketing opportunity out there.
We have disseminated all the essential knowledge about Herbalife, its compensation plan, the power of the products and how you can best benefit from it, organised it into a definite plan of action and directed it to the specific purpose of empowering you to achieve your definite financial and weight-management goals. If you partner with us, all you will need to do is putting these plans in action in your life. You will need to focus for at least 90 days. But more about that later.
If you are not yet a Herbalife member, but are interested to know more, you can click on the Apply Online (smiling lady picture) on the right. It will take you to a new page that provides you with more information.
However, if you are ready, willing and able to join our network right now, just follow the 5 easy steps below. We would love to have you on our team.
How to Join our Herbalife Team
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
1. Click on the following link https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
2. For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
3. For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
4. For “Purchased an Herbalife Member Pack (HMP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
5. Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the Herbalife Member Pack (HMP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
If your country is not on the list to join online, just send us an email at either wjkilian@gmail.com or wiki@ezhealthbiz.com, and we will assist you to register in your country of residence. Provided of course that you do live in one of the 94 countries already open for Herbalife business.
Tags: herbalife partners, join herbalife, LA Galaxy Herbalife
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