Eating 3 healthy, balanced meals per day has become a global challenge for every family. This review examines the Formula 1 Herbalife Shake as a possible solution to this problem.
The hectic lifestyles of the modern family, combined with the mega rise of the fast food industry and the introduction of genitically modified foods, modern day presevation techniques of so called “fresh” fruit and vegetables and the resulting fact that the foods we buy contain less and less of what our bodies need and more and more of what it do not need, has made it near impossible to remain healthy.
The inevitble result – a massive worldwide obesity epidemic. Can it be stopped? Does the Formula 1 Herbalife Shake provide an answer?
The Formual 1 Herbalife Shake is a fully balanced meal. One Herbalife shake contains all the proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body needs from a perfectly balanced meal to function at an optimum healthy level.
In this Herbalife Product Review we will be looking at the health benefits of using this best selling Herbalife nutrition product – the Formula 1 Herbalife Shake.
Treat your body to a healthy, balanced meal in no time! Not only are these shakes easy to make, they’re also delicious. With up to 20 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients – and in many different flavors – weight management never tasted so good!
The Formula 1 Herbalife Shake is the answer for every body. Here are the key benefits.
- A healthy meal with up to 20 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients.
- 9g of protein and healthy fiber help support weight management.
- Quick and easy to prepare.
- Delicious and versatile.
Delicious healthy meal that provides an excellent balance of high quality protein from milk and soy, essential micronutrients and added botanicals and herbs.
- The number 1 meal-replacement shake in the world. Formula 1 Herbalife shakes have helped people all across the globe reach their weight-loss goals. Reach yours today!
- Underpinned by science: Clinical studies show that daily use of meal replacement shakes as part of a calorie restricted diet is proven effective for managing weight, along with moderate exercise.
- Calorie-controlled: Approximately 220 kcal per serving
- Rich in protein from dairy and soy (18g per serving), Formula 1 shakes are a great option if you are looking to build lean muscle mass along with exercise
- Quick to whip up, a Formula 1 Herbalife shake is a convenient healthy alternative to a high-calorie breakfast, lunch or dinner.
- Soy protein: a complete protein providing all essential amino acids.
- Provides essential vitamins and minerals.
- Available in six delicious flavours and also available: F1 Free From – free from lactose, soy and gluten when made according to instructions and suitable for vegetarians.
When trying to lose or manage your weight, it’s important to maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. A healthy meal like Formula 1 helps you to control your calorie intake whilst also providing essential vitamins and minerals, with carbohydrate and protein.
Enjoy Formula 1 Herbalife shake every day as a healthy meal option.
Mix two tablespoons of powder (26 grams) with 250ml of semi-skimmed milk (low fat).
- When used for weight control: Replace two meals per day with this delicious shake and eat one nutritionally balanced meal.
- For healthy nutrition: Replace one meal per day with Formula 1 shake and eat two nutritionally balanced meals.
Because the Formula 1 Herbalife shakes include protein, fiber and essential nutrients it can help support metabolism, cellular growth repair and production. As a matter of fact, the science behind the Herbalife shake is the science of cellular nutrition – feeding the body cells the nutrition they need in perfect balance on a daily basis.
Here are two short videos to show you how quick and easy it is to make a delicious, tasty Formula 1 Herbalife shake. The presenter is Susan Bowerman, a dietition and nutrition expert.
Where to buy your Formula 1 Herbalife shakes and other herbalife nutrition product
The Herbalife nutrition product range is exclusively sold through its Independant Herbalife Distributors. The distributors buy the Herbalife products directly from Herbalife at a discount ranging from 25%, 35%, 42% and 50% and then retail these products to retails customers earning a retail profit. They are also allowed to sponsor other people to become Herbalife distributors.
Herbalife distributors are not required to sell the products and there are no monthly limits or requirements. They purchase the Herbalife nutritions products from Herbalife as and when they need it. Each Herbalife distributor also gets an online Herbalife office where they can securely order products in any of the 88 countries and growing where Herbalife are available, where they can track the Herbalife production of their teams worldwide, as it is tracked for them by Herbalife’s computer systems.
Because Herbalife distributors are not required to purchase a certain amount of product or sell a certain amount of products, a lot of them first become distributors purely to buy their own products at a discount directly from Herbalife. It gives them the freedom to order the Herbalife nutrition product range from the comfort of their own homes, get it delivered by Herbalife and get to use it at a discount. In short, once you decided to supplement your diet with the Herbalife shakes and other Herbalife nutrition products, it makes sense to become a Herbalife distributor. Why buy retail, if you can buy wholesale.
How to become a Herbalife distributor
You need an existing Herbalife distributor to sponsor you. More specifically, you need his/her Herbalife ID number and the first 2-3 letters of their surname/last name, and then you are ready to fill out the online application form. Just follow the simple 5-step process below and you can be an Herbalife distributor in just a few minutes.
If you are living in any of the open Herbalife countries, you can become a Herbalife distributor. If your Herbalife country is not on the Online Registration list, do not worry. All you need to do, is call the Herbalife office in your country, provide them with the name and Herbalife ID number of your sponsor, and you can get started right away.
Herbalife countries:
Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgeria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zambia.
USA, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Venezuela.
If you reside in an Herbalife country not on the online list, just send an email to your sponsor to help you get sponsored via phone.
Looking for a Herbalife Sponsor?
Get sponsored by International Global Expansion Team Member, Will Kilian. He is a product of the products and leads one of the fastest growing teams in Herbalife.
Sponsor’s message
I am a proud Herbalife distributor, Supervisor and international Global Expansion Team Member. The Herbalife products changed (and saved my life). I lost 36kg in 6 months and kept it off for over 17 years now. All thanks to Mark Huges and this amazing company called Herbalife. (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
My passion is to help as many families around the world to experience the magical benefits of Herbalife’s cellular nutrition, which is provided in the Herbalife nutrition product line.
We all deserve to be happy, healthy and prosperous. The Herbalife products and business opportunity make it possible for average, normal people like myself to change their lives for the better for ever.
Join our vision. Join the Herbalife vision. Joins us today. In our team we follow a particular strategy that will get you to your goals faster and with the least amount of resistance. Be sure to join our FCP strategy after you became a member. Looking forward to meet with you.
Will Kilian
Herbalife ID: 46-024370
Email: wjkilian@gmail.com
Based in Australia.
Instructions to Join Herbalife now
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
Tags: buy herbalife online, buy herbalife shakes, formula 1 herbalife shake, formula 1 shake, formula one shake, herbalife nutrition, herbalife nutrition product, herbalife nutrition product review, herbalife products, herbalife products online, herbalife shake, herbalife shake review, join herbalife, join herbalife online, register for herbalife
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EldredJulius Thank you Eldred.
Nice post. Thanks Will
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