Herbalife Inst
ant Herbal Beverage
Do you ever feel that slump during the day? Where you feel tired and want to just close your eyes and sleep for a week? BUT YOU CAN’T!!! Your boss is sitting opposite you in that all important meeting about how you are going to increase customer satisfaction and meet targets!!! So instead of nodding off you take a sip of your Herbalife instant beverage. Ahhh! Herbalife Instant herbal beverage revitalizes you, giving you the edge over your colleagues who are wide eyed staring into the fathom of nothingness.
Green Tea Supplementation origins trace back to
China but have been sweeping western cultures the last 10 years or so.
Although the Chinese have been using green tea for over 4000 years to treat many medical conditions, it is only recent that clinical trials have proved green tea to be beneficial. The secret to green tea is that it is packed with the catechin polyphenols like EGCG. This polyphenols is a powerful antioxidant which is thought to give green tea its medical properties.
A 2006 review of 17 studies related to green tea and weight loss in “Physiology and Behavior” summarized that green tea may help you to lose weight by burning 4 percent more calories. In addition to caffeine, green tea contains catechins, or chemical compounds, thought to influence weight loss. A 2011 review in “The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry” showed that an intake of 270 to 1,200 milligrams of catechins daily may reduce body weight and fat. A 6-ounce cup of brewed green tea contains around 235 milligrams of catechins, according to the USDA.

Best Green Tea
Herbalife Instant Beverage – The Best
Be careful how you chose your cuppa. They are not all the same!
While green tea is naturally rich in catechins, processing can decrease their concentration. A 2009 study in the “Journal of Food Science” showed that catechins degraded during long-term storage. This suggests that you may want to skip ready-to-drink, bottled tea. Brew your own green tea from plain tea bags or loose leaves to help preserve the catechin content.
Catechins are further degraded if sugar, citric acid or ascorbic acid are added, according to the 2009 “Journal of Food Science” article. Since many processed green teas contain sugar and acidic additives, bottled or processed green tea should be avoided during weight loss. Adding sugar not only degrades catechins, but it also adds calories. One tablespoon of sugar contains around 50 calories. Pre-sweetened tea can add around 100 calories per serving, negating the possible weight loss benefits.
Stick to plain brewed green tea to reap the most weight loss benefits. Iced green tea may be diluted with water and ice, decreasing the concentration of catechins and caffeine. Drink plain green tea instead of soda, sports drinks, to save additional calories throughout the day.
Below are the top 5 reasons that green tea supplementation can improve your overall health.
1 Green Tea has been studied in numerous clinical trials to reduce various forms of cancer. In 1994, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published data in which cancer reductions were up to 60%. The mechanism of action traces back to the ability of EGCG to attack cancer cells while protecting healthy ones. This data is also similar to recent University of Perdue findings in which they concluded that green tea can reduce cancer cell growth.
2 Recent research by Yang and Hodgson concluded that moderate green tea consumption can help reduce the risk of developing hypertension. (Journal of American College of Nutrition). Once again the powerful antioxidants found in green tea can be beneficial in reducing blood pressure which can help prevent heart attacks and kidney damage. EGCG has also been proven to reduce LDL while increasing HDL which is your good cholesterol. Reductions in these two parameters can reduce the risk of cardiovascular related death.
3 The main reason most Americans supplement with green tea is the associated weight loss that comes with daily consumption. Numerous clinical studies like the one publish in the American Journal of Nutrition (Dec 1999) clearly prove that people who consumed green tea products had a higher level of body fat oxidation. What researchers concluded was that although green tea is a powerful thermogenic, the fat reduction seen with green tea goes beyond the thermogenics properties.
4 Not only does green tea help you blast away unhealthy body fat, the antioxidants and caffeine in green tea can help maintain solid energy levels. Unlike energy shots and drinks, green tea provides a healthier alternative to increasing energy levels throughout the day. Most energy drinks manufacturers overwhelm you by stuffing their products with sugar and an absurd amount of caffeine. The average energy drink on the market has the equivalent of 5 cups of coffee in each can.
5 Green tea has been shown to help fight infections in many different populations. Examples of this research show how EGCG has been able to inhibit the adenovirus as proven by Antiviral research 2003. Many other clinical studies have demonstrated that the antioxidation by this powerful polyphenols can help protect against a variety of infections.In summary, there is much to be uncovered about the health benefits of green tea. Although this amazing natural product has been used for thousands of years for many ailments, always seem medical advice from your doctor before stopping current treatments.Source:
http://www.2053782686.com http://www.3156363317.com http://www.weightlossmagic.com
We have been using Herbalife products and Herbalife Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extract for more than 12 years. We can feel the difference when not using Herbalife products. With our busy lifestyle and hectic schedule we don’t always have time during the day to put together nutritious meals. So after much consideration we decided to use the best nutrition in the world. As parents we know our kids are supplementing their diet with the best!
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Tags: green tea, herbalife, herbalife green tea, Weight Loss
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