What is the Herbalife Family Customer Plan?
The Herbalife Family Customer Plan is a simple strategy for Herbalife distributors who wants to build a solid Herbalife business. All roads lead to Rome. The key is to pick one, and stick with it. As long as the route you picked provides maximum comfort for minimum effort, and takes you to your destination in a reasonable time, you have picked a good one.
What do you need to do to build a Herbalife business?
To build a Herbalife business you need to be able to Retail the products, Recruit new distributors and work on Retaining your customers and distributors. This is known as the 3 R’s in Herbalife.
How much time and effort should be spend on the 3 R’s?
Balance is important.
Retailing the product puts immediate cash in your pocket. This is an active income and you have to make the sale over and over again. You buy the products at a discount and sell at the recommended retail price. The difference is your profit.
Recruiting new Herbalife distributors do not put immediate cash into your pocket, but it does build your network. Once your new Herbalife distributor and everyone in your team starts producing, you will start earning a passive income, in the form of wholesale profit and royalties, on that production. Recruiting new distributors enables you to tap into the power of leverage.
Retaining your customers and distributors depends on how well you build your relationships with them. Always strive to under promise and over deliver. Providing your customers and distributors with the best possible information and training, ensures that they can make more educated decisions.
In a previous training on How to Make Money with Herbalife, the ideal process, likened to a car trip, is outlined. Here are the required elements:
1. Buy a car – Choose a Network Marketing company and become a distributor. Herbalife is an awesome vehicle to choose.
2. Fuel your car – Buy some products for you and your family to use, and to share (retail) with those around you on your trip.
3. Get in 1st Gear – Recruit First Line distributors
4. Get in 2nd Gear – Teach your First Line to recruit new distributors. They will be on your second line.
5. Get in 3rd Gear – Teach your First Line to teach their first line to recruit new distributors. They will be your third line.
6. Get in 4th Gear – Your Third line recruit their own new first line distributors. They will be on your fourth line.
7. Get in overdrive – Your Fourth line recruit their own new distributors who are on your fifth line.
If you analyse this process you will realise that if you only retail the products, you will make an active income, but you will never leave home. In order to build momentum in your business, you have to learn to recruit new distributors and to teach them to do the same. If you do, the third R, will be easy. A new distributor who has team members in his team, will stay around much longer than one who only retails the product.
You have to therefore find a time balance between retailing, recruiting and retaining (building relationships). Building good relationships with your customers and distributors cannot be overstated. So many of our customers have become distributors and life long friends.
The Herbalife Family Customer plan has a built in balance.
How does the Family Customer Plan Strategy work?
The R that most distributors struggle with, is Recruiting. For some reason, it seems to be a daunting prospect. Once you have recruited your first distributor, you actually realise that it is very easy. I see it this way: Always act in the best interest of your new prospect. Once they see the value in the Herbalife products, the only question that remains is this: why buy retail if you can buy wholesale.
A customer that registers as a distributor to buy the products at wholesale, on average:
1. Use more products every month.
2. Use the products much longer.
The Herbalife Family Customer plan addresses this issue.
The underlying principle is this: help yourself by helping others. Go the extra mile.
Action step one:
Use, share, retail, distribute a minimum of 500 volume points of Herbalife products per month. A 500 volume point order will put you on a permanent 35% discount and is extremely good value for money. It will also qualify you to the Senior Consultant position. It is just enough stock to get started. An average family can easily consume 500 vp of Herbalife products per month, hence the name, Family Customer Plan.
Action step two:
Sponsor 1 new Herbalife distributor per month who also purchases 500vp at a 35% discount, i.e. who qualifies as a Senior Consultant. (Putting you in first gear.)
Action step 3:
Before you sponsor any more distributors for yourself, first help your new distributor to sponsor TWO new Senior Consultants. These distributors should not be your contacts. It should be your first line distributor’s contacts or mutual contacts. They will be on your second line, but because they are part of your team, their volume points will count for you too. You are therefore helping your new distributor to get started (get in first gear), but you will help yourself by getting into second gear.
Action step 4:
Teach your new Herbalife distributor to do the same. Sponsor 1 first line and two second line distributors per month.
Now you are ready to recruit your next new first line Senior Consultant and repeat the process.
How much does it cost to buy 500 vp of Herbalife products?
That depends. In all the Herbalife countries around the world (88 and growing), 500 vp is exactly the same amount of product, but the price will depend on your country’s price list. The bottom line is this: you get that 500 vp order at 35% discount. You will thus pay 35% less than someone buying it at retail. That’s a great deal!
The other great advantage of the Family Customer Plan is this: Once you have 8 family customers in your team, you will qualify to the maximum discount of 50%, making your future 500vp orders even cheaper!
How do I get the most from the Family Customer Plan?
If you combine the Family Customer Plan with a 90 day plan, you will get the most from this strategy. The reason is simple: MOMENTUM.
After 90 days you will have build tremendous momentum. Keep doing this strategy and you, and everyone who follows this strategy like you, will reach your goals.
Strike the iron while it is hot. Fast action creates more momentum. If you can for example complete this Family Customer Plan cycle twice per month, you will greatly accelerate your progress on the Herbalife marketing plan ladder.
Click Here to See How to Build a Herbalife Dynasty with this 90 Family Customer Plan Strategy
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Tags: ezhealthbiz, herbalife family customer plan, herbalife nutrition products at wholesale, herbalife strategy, join herbalife, make money with herbalife
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