If you hate exercise, try slow jogging.
We all know that a healthy lifestyle comes from regular moderate exercise and good nutrition.
The nutrition part is easy. The world has finally woken up to the nutrition trend and there are ample sources of good nutrition supplements on the market. Our family has been using Herbalife Nutrition since 1996. The Herbalife Nutrition range gives your body all the nutrients it needs on a daily basis, and in perfect balance to ensure optimal cellular absorption. With Herbalife the nutrients you buy and eat find its way to your body cells, and are not just eliminated by the body for lack of digestion, absorption into the bloodstream, or cellular assimilation. In other words, you get value for your money.
The exercise part is not always that easy. Some people love exercise and for them it comes naturally. But what if you just don’t like exercise, or are physically challenged to get any proper form of exercise done? Slow jogging might just be the solution for you. Let me tell you a bit of my story…
I used to jog regularly in the mornings (5 days a week) and go for the occasional bicycle ride, until my life was rudely interrupted one morning in August of 2012. Whilst cycling on that fateful morning, a motor vehicle collided with me. I broke my pelvis in three spots and suffered severe contusions just below both my knees.
The early prognosis was that I would never be able to walk normally again, and that I would probably need a cane for the rest of my life. To me, this was devastating news. I vowed to myself to do everything in my power to rehabilitate as best as I could.
After more than three years of intensive physiotherapy, I can happily report that most of my injuries healed pretty well and no, I never had to use a cane!
The one thing that I could not return to however, was jogging. The pain was just too unbearable. I had to be content with walking. Which is okay I guess, especially if you can walk in nature. Until recently, I thought I’d never be able to jog again in my life.
Then, by chance, I came upon an article by someone who was introduced to slow jogging at a stage in his life when he was severely over weight. His story was so inspiring, that I decided to do some research on the topic of slow jogging.
Slow jogging is the brain child of Prof. Hiroaki Tanaka from Japan.
This is what Dr Mark of the natural running center had to say about Prof. Tanaka:
One of the most inspiring scientists and self-experimenting athletes is my good friend, Japanese running guru Dr. Hiro Tanaka. I had the privilege of first meeting Dr. Tanaka, a Professor at Fukuoka University, Japan, at the Boston Marathon in 2011 after giving a talk on minimal running and the benefits of “easy.” Dr. Tanaka showed me his heart rate and pace progression from building endurance, learning good form, and reducing the shoe. It led to a 2:38 marathon at age 50 plus. That is after reversing Type 2 Diabetes, his inspiration to start running again. Dr. Tanaka later came as a guest to the U.S. in 2012 for one of my Healthy Running courses and gave a community talk on “slow jogging.” In front of everyone, he demonstrated this easy and relaxed movement which almost anyone can do safely.
He also gave me a copy of his book published in Japanese, and whose title translated in English means “Run with Smile, Midfoot Strike.”
To better explain Slow Jogging, here is a short (5:33) video clip by Prof Tanaka himself. This video clip contains all the instruction you need to know to get started right away.
So, as you could see, the important points of slow jogging to remember are:
- Be conscious of small steps and pitch.
- Keep your back straight.
- Relax your shoulders. Your arms should move naturally.
- Breathe naturally.
- Slightly raise your chin and look far ahead of you.
- Be conscious about forefoot landing.
- Do not kick the ground.
It’s still early days for me, but so far I am pleasantly surprised! I can now do slow jogging without experiencing any pain!
We all know that healthy weight loss and a healthy lifestyle requires 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Slow jogging is the perfect exercise to compliment not only Herbalife Nutrition but any balanced nutritional diet.
~ Will Kilian
Tags: hate exercise, herbalife nutrition, slow jogging, Weight Loss
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