Listen to your body
Yesterday after golf, I had to listen to my body. The initial plan was to catch up on my Herbalife 24Fit exercises and perhaps even work in a 20 minute walking session on the treadmill. My body listened to the thoughts in my mind and said, “aikona, ain’t gonna happen!”
The exhaustion from a difficult round of golf (2nd day in a row) took it’s toll. From unplayable lies in the bushes to “plugged” balls in the bunkers and puts that refused to go in. My legs, and in particular my calf muscles said they needed a rest.

As you know, in golf and in life, you have to play it as it lies. Sometimes you get a good lie after a bad shot, and sometimes you get a bad lie after a good shot; but mostly you get good lies after good shots and bad lies after bad shots. Us golfers usually only remember the bad lies after good shots. 🙂
So I listened to my body. Gave it a good rest and this morning felt rejuvenated and ready for round 3, which will start later this morning. But first, I caught up with my H24Fit exercises that I was supposed to do yesterday. I did them this morning, followed by a 20 minute session on the treadmill followed by my Herbalife shake about 15 minutes later.
And of course, I had to consult Tanita. Here are my results as at7:39 this morning (11 Feb 2023):
- Weight 99.4 kg (up 600g; over all down 3.1kg)
- Body fat percentage 29.9% (up 0.1%; over all down 3.9%)
- Body fat mass 29.7 kg (up by 300g; over all down by 3.9kg)
- Visceral fat 15 (same)
- Body water percentage 48.8% (same; over all up by 0.4%)
- Muscle mass 66.3 kg (up by 400g; over all up by 800g)
- Metabolic age 68 (same)
Have you ever heard of the 3 steps forward – 2 steps backward method of progress? Well, it seems that’s just part of the rhythm of life. 🙂
Have a great weekend.
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