My Metabolic Age and Visceral Fat Ratings are coming down!
Two of the Tanita stats that are part of my overall 60 day body reshaping and weight loss challenge with Herbalife, that I keep a keen eye on, are my visceral fat and rating and my metabolic age. Ideally, you want your metabolic age to be lower than your actual age. The more so, the healthier your body will be.
The visceral fat component is the hard one. This is the fat that sits around your organs. It should be low single digits at best. This type of fat is hard to get rid off and it’s the fat that pose the most danger.
So yeah, when I finally see these numbers move in the right direction, I’m happy. 🙂
Herewith my Tanita stats of this morning, 26 February 2023 at 7.41:
- Weight 97.6 kg (down 100g from yesterday; over all down 4.9kg)
- Body fat percentage 26.7% (down 1.5% from yesterday; over all down 7.1%)
- Body fat mass 27.6 kg (down by 1.6kg from yesterday; over all down by 7.6kg)
- Visceral fat 13 (down 1 from yesterday; overall 3 down)
- Body water percentage 50.5% (up 0.9%; over all up by 2.1%)
- Muscle mass 68kg (up by 1.3kg from yesterday; over all up by 2.5kg)
- Metabolic age 58 (down 6 years from yesterday; overall down 10 yrs)
These are encouraging results. Time to push through. My body seems to be primed for burning fat at the moment. I should strike the iron while it is hot.
Here are the official Tanita results from this morning:

Physically I feel great. Loads of energy. I look and feel better than I did in years. And I still have a wee while to go.
Until tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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