Did I crack the fat burning skill?
I don’t want to talk to soon, but I think I just might have cracked the fat burning skill! You know how I said yesterday that I need to learn more goal specific knowledge, gain better result-driven skills and clarify my thoughts to distill the essence of my desire?
Well, I analysed my Tanita Body Scanner results and realised that I need to work on and refine my so-called “fat burning skills“. Herewith this morning’s (Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 6.45am) Tanita results:
- Weight 99.1 kg (down 200g; over all down 3.4kg)
- Body fat percentage 29.2% (down by 2.9%; over all down 4.6%)
- Body fat mass 28.9 kg (down by 3.6kg; over all down by 4.7kg)
- Visceral fat 15 (1 down)
- Body water percentage 49.1% (up by 1.7%; over all up by 0.7%)
- Muscle mass 66.7 kg (up by 3.2kg; over all up by 1.2kg)
- Metabolic age 68 (same)
Note the body fat percentage and body fat mass and compare it with the previous days. Massive difference, right? Let’s see if I can replicate this.
I’m off to play golf this morning and will be back this afternoon to hone in more and refine my fat burning skills as much as I can.
Watch this space. I might be on to something!
Remember, feed your body (cells) today the nutrition they need to function at their optimum levels. This will ensure that you feel great, have energy for your day, and allow you to perform at your best.
God bless!
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