It’s not a quick fix; it’s a process
Herewith my Tanita results of this morning:
- Weight 98 kg (down 500g from yesterday; over all down 4.5kg)
- Body fat percentage 28.1% (up 0.4% from yesterday; over all down 5.7%)
- Body fat mass 27.5 kg (up by 200g from yesterday; over all down by 6.1kg)
- Visceral fat 14 (same; overall 2 down)
- Body water percentage 49.7% (down 0.2% from yesterday; over all up by 1.3%)
- Muscle mass 67 kg (down by 700g from yesterday; over all up by 1.5kg)
- Metabolic age 64 (up by 4yrs from yesterday; overall down 2yrs)
My take away today is that to reshape your body is not a quick fix; it’s a process. You know how when we “suddenly” come to realise that we have to do something about our bodies, weight etc? Well, as you and I both know, that was not so “sudden”, was it? It was maybe weeks, months or even years of accumulated bad habits that brought us to that point.
Now that we see it, we want a quick fix. “Forgive us our dietary sins of the past please, and remove it’s consequences from our sight.” Does not quite work like that, does it? 🙂
However, in this life, and on this earth, we shall bear the consequences of our transgressions. No quick fixes; no miracles. We have to face the mess we have created and clean it up ourselves. That takes work and time.
But just like you find people in life who are “hard workers” who work very hard every day, and remain poor because of their bad spending habits, so too, when it comes to reshaping our bodies, we can very easily fall into the same trap of “working hard on our bodies” but remain over weight and unhealthy.
“Work smart, they said. Then work hard.”
For this very reason I am so grateful that I chose a 60 Day period for my body reshaping challenge. This is 8 weeks of “smart” hard work. Making sure I feed my body optimum nutrition at very low calorie levels (priming it to be healthy and at the same time burn fat and lose weight), exercise daily, drink enough water, and enjoy the food that I eat. By the way, what do you think of last night’s lamb curry? (see thumbnail pic above) It was so yummy!
Slowly but surely, I am introducing new healthy lifestyle habits into my daily routine. I can’t wait to see what the net result will be after the 60 day period.
Whether I hit my initial goals by then or not, one thing that I do know is that my body will most definitely be in a better shape than it was when I started.
Tags: herbalife shake, lose weight, Weight Loss
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