Blogging Attraction
We all know that it’s better to think on paper. Our thoughts create our future. Writing them down, is the key. It helps you to focus on your thoughts. Blogging is a natural way to write down, and concentrate your thoughts. This is how you shape your future at will….with blogging attraction.
Affecting the future with your words may not be something that you’re doing on purpose right now, and that’s why you have the results that you have. Now read this and learn to shape your future.
If you are willing to accept for the moment as fact that “thoughts are things” and that, “as a man thinketh, so he becomes” then this will make a lot of sense to you.
This is nothing new. There are no new truths in this world. Truth is old. Sometimes an old truth is covered in a new wrapping to appeal to the modern man, but it is still the same old truth. The above statements are a classic example. Napoleon Hill said, “thoughts are things”. That was over 70 years ago. The second statement, “as a man thinks, so he becomes” comes from the Bible. Need I say more. Both statements are equally true.
Not too long ago this age-old truth was given a new wrapping when the movie and book, “The Secret”, was launched.
Blogging Attraction – Why It Works?
The truth is this: Man is in control of his own mind. He was given a free mind. A mind to think. A mind to use…to come up with ideas…to produce thoughts.
Now if we move along on this path of self discovery, you will also note an “age-old” recipe for consciously influencing your own thought patterns. Why would this be necessary? Because our minds produce millions of thoughts every single day…whether we pay attention to those or not. Living in a world filled with anger, hate and ugliness, your mind will mostly be affected by negative impulses which in turn produces negative thoughts, which in turn make that your reality….a vicious cycle of unconscious self prophecy. Like a garden, your mind will be overgrown by the negative thoughts unless you consciously take time to pull out the weeds and cultivate the beauty that you want. You attract what you think….
Blogging attraction and auto-suggestion
Enters auto-suggestion, or conscious self talk. Creating a positive script that you want your future to be. Programming your subconscious mind on a daily basis to accept the reality that you put before it….which you feed it. The subconscious mind does not care whether what you feed it is real or not. It will accept it as the truth. It is the truth, because you say it is.
If you confess to your subconscious mind regularly that you are a millionaire your subconscious mind will accept it immediately and will go to work to attract that into your life and to bring your reality into congruency with your dominating thought patterns.
This way you can attract anything into your life that you desire. You can literally attract your desired future into reality right before your very own eyes.
Thoughts that are spoken is powerful. Thoughts that are written down and spoken, becomes alive!
Blogging attraction in action
That is why positive blogging is a great way to focus your thoughts and desires by writing them down, reading it, saying it. Blogging attraction is just that. You attract what you blog. Why? Because you focus your thoughts. The stronger your thoughts are focussed, the stronger your desire is manifested, the harder your mind will go to work to bring that into reality.
Why does blogging attraction and autosuggestion work? I don’t know. I was not in on the earlier decisions. All I know is that it works. And you and I are daily creating our futures with our thoughts. The tragedy is that most people do not realise the tremendous power they hold over their own futures. They spew forth filth over other people with utter contempt, not realising they have just ordered that exact same thing for themselves!
The late author John Kalench said: You first have to Be before you can Do and you first have to Do before you can Have.
If you want to be a millionaire, then be one! Tell yourself, “I am a millionaire and I earn $50,000 per month in passive income”. Now keep programming your mind on that line. Next, start doing the things a person would do who are earning $50,000 per month. Feel the feelings of a $50k a month person. Harbour the thoughts of a $50k a month person. Speak like he/she speaks. Do what he/she does…. (Now, be sure to be specific. You don’t want to end up with $50,000 Zimbabwean Dollars!)
So what do you have to lose. Try blogging attraction. Write your future into existence by blogging every single day.
Your first step towards Blogging Attraction
Start by writing your first powerful thoughts in the comment section below. You can choose to have it appear on Facebook or you can just tick the box to have it appear only here. Think of one positive thing you want to create into your life, and write it down in the comment below now….it will be your first step towards blogging attraction in your life!
What have you created with your thoughts so far today?
Focussed thought concentration, repeated over an over, will attract into your life, the object of your thoughts.
Use a journal or a blog; and get into the habbit of creating the future you want, through this power called blogging attraction.
Tags: attraction marketing, autosuggestion, blogging attraction, blogging for profit, speak your future, write your future
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I’m going to think only good thoughts. And if one goes astray I will immediately replace it with a possitive thought. A year ago I decided I wanted a certain white Audi. Had it as a screen saver. Couple of months later removed the screen saver. Unfortunately a year later our car was written off, no fault of our own. Guess what? It so worked out that we are driving this white Audi. I only realised this accidently looking at photo’s on my laptop a few weeks after buying this very specific white Audi. Strangly I nearly bought the car… Read more »