The Biggest Loser Show USA 2013 has just crowned the winner – Danni Allen!
Here is an interview with Biggest Loser Show Winner Danni Allen. She won $250,000. Personally I think the new life she created for herself by reshaping her body, is worth far more than the $250k!
And between you and me, I think she looks fantastic! What do you think?
Below I also share my story and how I lost 36kg without the Biggest Loser Show.
The Biggest Loser Show gives hope
One of the great things about a Biggest Loser show, is that it gives hope to the hopeless. So many people have reached a circumference that is just so demoralising that the only thing that help make you feel better, is to eat something!
Now, because of the results from people like Danni, average people all over the world can get renewed hope to lose the extra weight and design a new happier, healthier you.
What to do if you cannot get on a Biggest Loser show?
So what do you do if you cannot get in on one of the biggest loser shows? Well, that depends. If you really want to lose the weight, you can. You don’t need a personal trainer. You don’t need cameras that watch what you eat and how you exercise. You don’t need a Biggest Loser Show. You do need will power.
You don’t need the Biggest Loser Show to lose weight. I did it without a Biggest Loser Show.
Lose weight with the necessary knowledge, skill and attitude
Success in life, no matter what part of your life, is determined by 3 things only. Your knowledge, skill and attitude.
Knowledge is knowing WHAT to do.
Skill is knowing HOW to do it.
Attitude is WANT to do it.
You must possess all three. Let’s face it. If you know what to do to lose weight and you know how to do it, but you don’t want to do it, you are not going to lose 1 kg!!!
If however on the other hand you really really want to lose weight, you will find the knowledge and you will learn the skills. Why? Because your determination drives you.
This is the secret behind the Biggest Loser success stories. Those who succeed to reshape their bodies are the ones who truly want to do it. No excuses. No excuses. No excuses.
If your WANT TO is not strong enough, you will dream up excuses after every 5 minutes of exercise and with each bite of healthy food you eat.
I belief that all you need to lose weight, is the right knowledge, skill and attitude. In this particular instance, the knowledge you need is HOW to lose weight. The skills you need, is WHAT do I need to do on a daily basis to lose weight. The attitude you need is simply, WANTING to lose the weight so bad, that you won’t give up. You won’t allow yourself to quit. no matter how much a part of you wants to.
When I lost 36kg in 6 months to reshape my body there was no Biggest Loser Show. I was the Biggest Loser Show for the people who knew me. And if I can do it, so can you! (Compulsory Legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
But I must confess. Although I did not have the Biggest Loser Show, I did have some help…okay, a lot of help!
You see, my dad walked into my office one day with a strange looking box. He just said something to the effect off, “I can’t stay. They say this stuff work to lose weight. I want you to try it.” Then he left.
Well, he was right. That “stuff” did work. But only because I used it. The reason why I used it, was simply because I did not want to disappoint my dad. That was my WHY…my WANT TO. That was my initial motivation. He brought me a solution and I did not want to disappoint him.
So that was the day I started to use the Herbalife Weight Loss program. What makes Herbalife so great, is that they made it so easy. The KNOWLEDGE you need…simple. The SKILLS you need…easy. You only have to bring your WANT TO to the table, and the formula works like crazy.
If you don’t know it yet, here is the Herbalife weight-loss not-so-secret success formula: 3-2-1
3 = drink your Herbalife tablets 3 x per day
2 = replace two of your daily meals with a delicious Herbalife protein shake
1 = eat one normal meal
Drink your tablets with a full glass of water.
Don’t cut out, just cut back.
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Will & Sune Kilian
Skype: willkilian
p.s. Work with us Personally at www.ezhealthbiz.com
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Tags: biggest loser, biggest loser Danni Allen, biggest loser show, Danni Allen, Danni Allen biggest loser, herbalife weight loss results, herbalife weightloss success, lose weight with biggest loser
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