When you join Herbalife, do not rush your Herbalife business. Slow and steady wins the race.
The temptation is very big to go as big and fast as you possibly can from the word “go”, and to get your friends and family involved, and get them to go as big and fast as possible too. Although this strategy could definitely work, I have seen too often in practice how this strategy leads to failure and disappointment.
What do I mean? Well, the starting discount options in Herbalife is the Distributor level at 25%, a Senior Consultant level at 35%, a Success Builder/Qualified Producer level at 42% and a Supervisor level at a 50% discount.
When you understand the Herbalife compensation plan, the immediate desire is to get to the Supervisor level as soon as possible. This is understandable.
However, unless you have an immediate market to sell your Herbalife products to, it would be pretty silly to buy your way into the Supervisor position by purchasing 4,000 volume points of stock, which you will get at an initial 42%.
The other way to qualify to the Supervisor level is to do so with a few friends, all signed up in one long line, sharing the volume between you. As long as the bottom person buys 4,000 volume at 42%, all those above that person can also qualify to the Supervisor level by each doing only 1,000 volume at 50% discount. In reality people “buddy” together so that each buy the same volume and hence pay the same.
Again, this way to qualify to the Supervisor level can also be disastrous if you do not have an immediate plan to distribute those products.
Personally I advocate an approach that is slow and steady; especially when you just joined Herbalife.
An approach where you only stretch to qualify to the Senior Consultant level by purchasing 500 volume points of stock in one go at the 35% discount. This will put you on a permanent 35% discount. Moreover, it is not so much stock that it will overwhelm you. As a matter of fact, you can personally consume 500 vp of products in a 2-3 month period. My family (2 adults and 2 teenagers) consumes about 500 vp of Herbalife products every month. I call this strategy the “family customer strategy”.
With the family customer strategy there is no pressure on you and you can consume and sell your 500 vp order in your own time. When you run low on stock, you simply re-order what you need, as and when you need it.
Now, if you sponsor new Herbalife distributors and you teach them to be patient, and rather build their Herbalife business by promoting the Senior Consultant level as a starting position, rather than the Supervisor level, they and you, will build a solid Herbalife business of people consuming and distributing 500vp of products on a regular basis.
Once you have 8 such distributors in your team, you will automatically qualify to the Supervisor level, as that will give you 4,000 personal volume in one calendar month. The beauty of the family customer plan is that you will earn a handsome 15% wholesale profit once you qualify to the Supervisor level.
When you join Herbalife and start your new Herbalife business, irrespective of whether you do it part-time or full-time, the crux is to find a proper balance between retailing the Herbalife products and recruiting new Herbalife distributors.
If you only recruit new distributors, you will not be able to move your own stock and will struggle to meet your personal volume targets in order to earn all the passive income that is on the table if you have other Supervisors in your network.
If you only focus on retailing the products, you will earn a handsome retail profit, but your network won’t grow. Now one thing that remains true is this: some of your best new distributors will come from your existing customer base. So, to start with a little bit of retail is always a good idea. But never neglect to offer the business opportunity to your retail customers right of the bat. They will appreciate your integrity. Let them decide whether they first just want to buy the products at retail, or whether they would like to join Herbalife in your team.
Retention of your people is the key to long-term success. If you have a person who bought too much stock and the person struggles to move that stock, they are going to become despondent and might not have the conviction or faith in Herbalife yet, to carry them through.
Slow and steady wins the race. Provided you build solid relationships with your people to ensure that they are going at the pace that they are comfortable with.
When you join Herbalife, your first priority should always be to “soak” yourself in the Herbalife products. Immerse yourself in the products. Focus on becoming a “product of the products”. Focus on your own results on the products first. This build belief that money can’t buy and you will enroll new Herbalife members with confidence when you invite them to also join Herbalife.
Happy Herbalifing!
Will Kilian
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