The Miracle Diet That Changes Lives...

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The role of lean protein

  • miracle diet resultsAs you can see, lean protein plays a vital role in building up healthy lean muscle tissue. This in turn increase your metabolic rate, assisting your body in burning off more and more stored excess fat.
  • Knowing how many grams of lean protein you need to incorporate in your diet, is essential if you are not using a diet program that has already factored that in.
  • I’m so grateful that this “miracle diet” already incorporates all the nutrition that my body cells need on a daily basis.
  • No need to measure or count calories at all!

Good Quality Protein

Your doctor will tell you that your muscles consist of proteins. Healthy muscles are important. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be. In other words, the more muscle you have, the more fat your body will burn. If you do not eat your body’s required daily portion of protein, the muscles break down. When your muscle mass decreases, your metabolic rate slows down and everyone knows that when that happens, your body burns less and less fat.

Most people live on a diet filled with carbohydrates (short-term energy) and which is deficient in quality protein. It all starts with breakfast; the most important meal of the day. Everybody says that if you skip breakfast, you start the day on an empty tank. Starting out just on carbohydrates, is not much better. Your body needs proteins!

Everybody knows that proteins are the building blocks for your muscles. If you are not supplementing your protein intake daily, chances are that you are not getting enough. The most healthy proteins are soy proteins and proteins you get in through fish, organic chicken, nuts (almonds are really good) and to a lesser degree, red meat. Red meat is high in fat and too much red meat, will increase your cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, the body mass index calculator does not differentiate between fat mass and muscle mass.

You can measure your protein requirements on the next page.