Why am I fat? I really do not eat that much. How did this happen to me?
The food quality around the world is atrocious. Food manufacturers have one primary concern, and no, it’s not your health. It’s profits.
Even the foods labeled as “healthy” in our super markets, contain loads of sugar, artificial chemicals, salts and generally lacks the nutrients it should contain.
There are many reasons for this. Here are some:
- The use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides that get absorbed into the fruits, vegetables and grains.
- The use of cold storage techniques for fruits and vegetables and the use of preservatives that prevents the fruits and vegetables to show it’s age. From the outside it still looks great a year after it was harvested, but on the inside, it’s devoid of the natural goodness it used to have when it was harvested.
- The use of cold storage techniques of fruits and vegetables and the use of preservatives that prevents the fruits and vegetables to show it’s age. From the outside it still looks great a year after it was harvested, but on the inside, it’s devoid of the natural goodness it used to have when it was harvested.
- Feeding livestock chemically modified food and hormone growth enhancers.
- Adding all kinds of chemicals to the foods during the processing phase.
- The use of “meat glue” on cut off meats to “form” a solid piece of meat again. (And is sold at prices of an original cut!)
- Processing the “throw away” parts of animals, which are not fit for human consumption, to make processed foods like sausages, hamburger patties, nuggets etc.
- The use of genetic modification techniques.
As you can see, the odds are stacked against us.
The net result is that most people are over fed, and under nourished at the same time. This means they consume a lot of “empty” energy (calories/kilojoules). Junk foods and fizzy drinks are high in sugars, saturated fats, salt, refined carbohydrates etc. These foods are typically very high in calories/kilojoules, but almost completely nutrient deficient. As your body cannot really use these calories, it get stored as fat.
The truth is this: If you are not on a diet that supplements all the nutrients that your body cells need to function at an optimum level on a day to day basis, you are almost guaranteed to lack certain of these vital nutrients and gain weight over time.