Just do it! Today I want to inspire you to just do it. This week I had a major paradigm shift in my own approach to life, business and success in general. Whatever it is you want right now, do not focus on it. Confused? Don’t be. I know results is the name of the game. BUT ….it is not the game! This past two weeks I was so busy focussing on the results of what I want, that I barely got time to focus on the action I needed to take to get the results I wanted. Instead, I needed to just do it.
So I did a private little training for my team, and told them. Results is not the name of the game…action is. Today I will refine that by saying, results might be the name of the game, but it ain’t the game! To get results, there is only one way: Just do it. Just do it. Just do it.
Then one of my team members sent me this video and after watching it, I knew I had to share it with you. So if you are wondering whether you should watch it right now, just do it! Trust me, you will understand very quickly why I tell you to just do it. So just do it now.
Just do it video
So did you do it? Inspiring isn’t it? Now go share it with someone. But before you do, you got to know the full story. Results are important….very important.
Just do it – Results
Every action has a reaction. Every input has an output. Every cause has an effect. These are all results. Everybody wants results.
IF you want to lose weight, you want results. Usually that result comes in the form of a number, like 10 kg, 20 kg or 3 dress sizes or whatever weight loss or health result you want. Mistake #1: Do not jump on the scales every five minutes, or wrap the measuring tape around you every 5 minutes. Do not focus on the results. Instead, focus on the input, the action, the cause…because that is what produces the results. Search for the knowledge and skills you need to maximise your efforts when you take action…and then just do it…take action…just do it….put in the effort…just do it…cause your results to happen….just do it!
Now you have to check your results every now and again. Why? To make sure you are on the right track. But, BIG but, don’t focus on the results. Just review it and use it to make any necessary corrections in your actions, inputs and efforts…and then get back to JUST DO IT.
If you refuse to quit, and you just do it, you will create miraculous results in all areas of your life. Focus (gain the knowledge and skills) on your actions and just do it. Never ever quit. Just do it one more time.
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Will & Sune Kilian
Skype: willkilian
Work with us Personally at www.ezhealthbiz.com
Tags: cause and effect, do it now, get results, just do it, results is the name of the game, take action
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