Creating a new lifestyle
You know how our generation wants instant results and instant gratification? Well, I am no different and hence my disappointment with my “slow start” to my 60 Day Herbalife Reshaping Challenge. However, last night my daughter reminded me that it’s all about lifestyle changes, and those take time. Rather do it slowly and create lifestyle changes that will last.
And of course, she is right. New habits take time to form. And only then, after you formed them, can they become long term lifestyle changes. Most people know that a new behavior takes about 21 days of consistent daily repetitions to become habit. Who am I to be complain after only 14 days? 🙂
Herewith my Tanita results of this morning, Monday 6 February 2023, at 6:40am:
- Weight 100.1 kg (up 500g; over all down 2.4kg)
- Body fat percentage 32.2% (up by 0.3%; over all down 2.3%)
- Body fat mass 32.2 kg (up by 100g; over all down by 1.4kg)
- Visceral fat 16 (same)
- Body water percentage 47.7% (up by 0.1%; over all down by 0.7%)
- Muscle mass 64.5 kg (up by 400g; over all down by 1kg)
- Metabolic age 68 (same)
As expected my weight is just above 100 kg again; albeit by the smallest of margins. But I’m not worried. The graph goes down; jagged but down; and next week this time, 100 kg will be well and truly in my rear view mirror!
My focus this week will be to try and burn more fat with increased cardio exercises on top of the H24 exercise program I’m following (which still focuses on stabilization of the small muscles this week), as well as try to cut my daily calorie intake by making my dinner meal portion smaller. This should not be an issue at all, because by dinner time my body already received all the nutrients it requires to function at an optimum and healthy level through my Herbalife shakes. So my third meal is just there to top up my protein intake and to cater for my “satisfaction of eating”.
My water intake should be permanently solved now. I ordered a 2liter water bottle which I find easy to use. Drinking 4-6 liters of fluid per day should be a cinch from now on. See thumbnail pic above.
Have a great week everyone!
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