Module 7 – Herbalife Compensation Plan (Video)
Herbalife Marketing Plan Overview
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The Herbalife Marketing Plan

is a ladder of success.

As you grow your team and your income, you follow a stair-step-system to the top. Each TAB team position opens up more income earning potential for you. The TAB team bonuses of 2%, 4% and 6% is paid infinitely deep, i.e. on your whole organization. You need Royalty Points (see below) to qualify to the TAB team.

The rate of your growth and speed of your earnings, depend entirely upon you and how well you help your team to move up this ladder. You cannot climb this ladder by yourself. The highest position you can attain on your own, is the World Team level.

This is what the Stair-Step-System looks like:

 herbalife marketing plan

With the help of the INTERNET, climbing this ladder has become easier and faster!

Your first goal is to become a Supervisor. As a Supervisor you can start earning passive income.

It is highly recommended that you start building a team as soon as possible, as that will get the ball rolling to help them to also qualify to the Supervisor level and start moving up on this ladder.

To earn passive income, you must build a team of active Herbalife distributors.

Supervisor Income Streams:

  • Retail profit – 100% (Buy at 50% discount.)
  • Wholesale profit: Between 8% – 25% (Difference between you and your active distributors who are not yet Supervisors.)
  • Royalty Commissions: Between 0% – 5% on the monthly turnover of all your Supervisors in the first 3 levels of your team. This is your Royalty Points. Thus you can earn 15% on these 3 levels together.

(To earn the full 5% Royalties, you need to have 2,500 personal volume points or more for the month. This is your personally purchased volume plus the volume purchased by your distributors who are not yet Supervisors.)


After Supervisor, your goal is to qualify to the TAB team. The World Team position is a stepping stone to the TAB team. The TAB team comprises of GET (Global Expansion Team – extra 2%), MILL (Millionaire Team – extra 4%) and PRES (President’s Team – extra 6%).

Your focus is TEAM BUILDING. Sponsoring new Herbalife distributors and helping them to qualify to the Supervisor level and building teams of their own.

One of the most effective ways of doing this, is to build Herbalife Consumer Networks. The Herbalife mission is to take the Herbalife products all over the world, person by person.

The Family Customer Concept

The concept of Family Customers is something that I personally endorse. Instead of helping just one person in a family to get healthy, you help the whole family by sponsoring one person in the family, who purchases products at a discount for all the family members. In this way, that distributor can easily qualify to the Senior Consultant level, purchasing at a minimum of 35%. Family customers can easily consume 500 volume points or more of Herbalife products every month. If you therefore have 5 family customers, who consumes 500 volume points of products every month, you will qualify to the Supervisor level over two consecutive months. [The 2,500 vp in two consecutive month method.]

If you have 8 family customers doing an average of 500 volume points per months, you will qualify to the Supervisor level in ONE calendar month. [The 4,000 vp in one month method.]

herbalife marketing plan

World Team

To qualify to the World Team requires either 10,000 personal vp in one month, or earning 500 Royalty Points from your Supervisors in your first 3 levels in one month.

GET Team

To qualify to the GET team, you need to earn 1,000 Royalty points or more in 3 consecutive months.

Once qualified, you start earning an additional 2% bonus on your entire team’s monthly turnover. * You have to however up your Personal Volume to 5,000 vp per month to earn this bonus. If your focus is on helping your team to move up the marketing plan, this should not be a problem. If you build your business on the family customer concept, 10 active family customers will consume on average 5,000 vp of products per month.

MIL Team

To qualify to the MIL team, you need to earn 4,000 Royalty points or more in 3 consecutive months.

Once qualified, you start earning an additional 4% bonus on your entire team’s monthly turnover. * Your personal volume point requirement to earn this bonus drops down to 3,000 volume points per month, giving you more freedom to develop the leaders in your team and helping them qualify to the GET Team.


To qualify to the PRES team, you need to earn 10,000 Royalty points or more in 3 consecutive months.

Once qualified, you start earning an additional 6% bonus on your entire team’s monthly turnover. * Your personal volume point requirement to earn this bonus drops down to only 2,500 volume points…the same as earning your full 5% Royalties. At this level, you thus earn 11% on your first 3 levels of Supervisors, and another 6% infinitely deep.

herbalife marketing planFor every President’s Team line that you have in your organization, you are rewarded a diamond in your President’s Team Pin.

If you have 5 diamonds in your pin, you qualify to the Chairman’s Club.

If you have 10 diamonds in your pin, you qualify to the top level in the company – Founder’s Circle.herbalife marketing plan

1% Bonus Pot

Once a year, at the Mark Hughes Rewards night, all President’s Team members who have President’s team members in their teams, qualify to share in 1% of the annual turnover of the company. THIS IS BIG.

What follows is the official company overview of the marketing plan


Herbalife Marketing Plan

Herbalife Marketing Plan

Herbalife Marketing Plan