Prevent Diabetes through weight loss…..
Prevent Diabetes through weight loss….Feed your body the right nutrients on a cellular level and you will sustain your energy levels for longer. I believe our body’s are amazing. If we give our bodies the right conditions, it will function optimally and repair itself. Give your body the right nutrition in perfect balance, add lots of laughter and your body is bound to repair and heal itself.
This article is not intended to diagnose or to be treated as medical advice. Please seek professional advice, before embarking on any changes to your diet or initiating a weight loss program. Nutritional recommendations must be individualised based on current eating habits, changes that might be beneficial and the goals the individual wants to achieve. This certainly depends on the individual’s ability and willingness to make changes.
How to prevent diabetes through weight loss and how does protein and carbohydrates prevent Diabetes?
Obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes. It is known that slow release carbohydrates may contribute to better controlled blood sugar levels. A well balanced protein to carbohydrate ratio is important in our diet. The quantity and quality plays a role as well. Very few people understand the concept of ‘eat calories to lose weight ‘. They don’t realise they are sacrificing nutrients when simply reducing their food intake. A study by Donald K Laymen Et al. showed that a higher protein intake improves blood sugar levels, satiety and body composition during weight-loss.
Speaking to a Veterinary friend, she finds that animal diabetes (dogs and cats for example) are caused by the unnatural addition of large amounts of carbohydrates to their diet. By feeding them a higher protein to carbohydrate ratio diet, they can prevent diabetes and reduce the need for medication of reversible diabetes. In my opinion, every time we stuff our faces with ‘carbs’, we are taxing our pancreas. Something has to give. Either the pancreas stops producing insulin or you are on your way to pancreatic cancer. Please note that studies have shown a very low risk of pancreatic cancer when you have diabetes.
What is the right ratio of protein to carbohydrates to prevent diabetes?
The right ratio of protein to carbs vary for each one of us, as we all live different lifestyles. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates and you decrease your release of insulin. Insulin moves fat from the surface of a fat cell to the inside of the fat cell. It makes sense then, you’ll get ‘FAT’ if you consume high amounts of carbohydrates. A good place to start is to consume 50% complex carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% healthy fat. If you substantially reduce your carbohydrates you can lose weight faster and prevent diabetes.
If you decide to use Herbalife as part of your nutritional program and find your diabetes advisor is unfamiliar with the product, inform them as best you can. If you would really like to use the products, show the Herbalife products to your diabetes advisor or GP and ask: “which of these ingredients are harmful to me”.
Our Herbalife Formula 1 good nutritional shake, is formulated to sustain blood sugar levels better than most supplements on the market. It contains natural complex carbohydrates and all the vitamins and minerals you need to sustain an active lifestyle, even when you have diabetes. Importantly it contains excellent protein content. Herbalife Formula 1 is registered as Food in over 80 countries and is benefiting more than 2.5 million customers. Use Herbalife with sound advice from your diabetes clinic, and you will control your blood sugar levels better, you can lose weight and reverse the process of diet related diabetes.
Thousands of children in the UK are obese with the increased risk of developing acquired diabetes. Good nutrition and an active lifestyle can prevent obesity and and therefore prevent diabetes.
Our family have been using the great Herbalife nutritional products for over ten years. Michelle , my wife, used it during both pregnancies to supplement her nutritional needs. It also helped her to return to her pre pregnancy weight very quickly. Both our lovely daughters, 4 and 6 years, have the Herbalife shakes in their breakfast in conjunction with well balanced meals. Our aim is to help our children make healthy choices and thereby helping them to prevent diabetes.
If you would like advice on losing weight the nutritional way and prevent diabetes or how you can supplement your child’s diet with good nutrition, then feel free to contact us.
Tags: prevent diabetes, prevent diabetes through weight loss, prevent diabetes with weight loss
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