Prevent diabetes through weight loss/nutrition on preventing diabetes/control sugar levels with diet protein shakes (part 1)

prevent diabetes
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If we can prevent diabetes, why don’t we? In my research I expected to find more information where much larger groups of individuals were studied, bearing in mind that 135 million people have diabetes world wide. I tried to keep it simple.  I hope this article will make it easier for you to make decisions on having good nutrition and regular exercise.  This inevitably will lead to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


This article is not intended to diagnose or to be treated as medical advice. Please seek professional advice, before embarking on any changes to your diet or initiating a weight loss program.  Nutritional recommendations must be individualised based on current eating habits, changes that might be beneficial and the goals the individual wants to achieve.  This certainly depends on the individual’s ability and willingness to make changes.

To prevent diabetes, you must know “What is Diabetes?”

Diabetes is the name used to describe a condition of having higher than normal blood sugar levels and the inability of the body to reduce those blood sugar/glucose levels.

After eating, our stomach digests carbohydrates and other foods which convert into glucose. The pancreas, releases insulin to convert the glucose into energy for our cells. 


What are the different types of diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes develops when the insulin-producing cells in the body have been destroyed and the body is unable to produce any insulin. It is uncertain why the Insulin producing cells are being destroyed. Type 1 can occur during any age but is more common in under 40’s.

Type 2 develops when the body does not produce enough insulin to maintain a normal blood glucose level, or when the body is unable to effectively use the insulin that is being produced.

Please watch the following video that clearly explains what really happen in our bodies:




Can Weight loss Prevent Diabetes? Why is diabetes so important?   

It is a world wide epidemic affecting 135 million people and estimated to increase to over 300 million by the year 2025.  Adult onset diabetes (Type 2) accounts for  85% to 90% of diabetes.


The main cause of Type 2 diabetes is obesity, which is largely preventable. Prevent diabetes - Obesity is the main cause of Diabetes People with diabetes have an increased risk of heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and poor circulation.  It is not uncommon for diabetics to have amputations of a lower limb.  Worldwide, 1,5 million amputations are carried out annually, due to diabetes.  In the United Kingdom the NHS spends £10 Billion (that’s a lot of zero’s) a year on diabetes.  That is 10% of the health service budget!!  It is set to rise to 17% within a generation.  A much bigger concern, are the amount of children that will increase with Type 2 Diabetes due to obesity.

In this case prevention is certainly better than cure and you can prevent Diabetes through weight loss.
If you would like to prevent or reduce the risk of your child becoming obese and diabetic, give them a varied diet consisting of healthy snacks with fruit and vegetables.  Give them balanced meals with a good ratio of  lean protein to vegetables.  Most children like milkshakes.  Why not start your child’s day with a Herbalife shake, like we do.  Our children have oats porridge with Strawberry or Cookies and Cream Herbalife Shake mixed into their porridge.  Because the Herbalife shakes are so tasty, we don’t have to add ANY sugar to the porridge.  Alternatively they have a Herbalife Shake in Soya milk and fruit on the side. We find that this sustains them better through the day, by keeping their energy levels up.  Naturally they will snack less, because they had a nutritional (and tasty) breakfast. Herbalife can help prevent diabetes with good nutrition –  It’s that easy.


If you would like to know more  about how we balance our meals or how we can support you in making a change…..


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Posted by your Independent Herbalife Distributors, Eldred and Michelle

Acknowledgement: video from diabetesukcharity

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12 years ago

This is a very important issue. Great article with original content.


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