Personal growth….are you growing?
When we started our blogging, the idea was to improve the quality of people’s lives through the Herbalife products, because our team know what value these products have brought to our lives. But as time passed, our group felt that we were running out of ideas for new blogs. It wasn’t that though. What we have realised, was that blogging just about the Herbalife products alone, wasn’t enough. We are not Herbalife and Herbalife is not us. We are individuals who’s core personal nutrition is Herbalife, but Herbalife itself is not the core of our personal growth.
We have come to the realisation that we will have to share what drives us, what our core values are, what we are doing to keep ourselves going. So some people might think we have lost the plot, but we have just expanded the plot. Herbalife is part of our growth – our nutritional growth. Herbalife helps us to stay physically healthy. That has more value than we think. Physical health in the simplest form, means not being ill. You take less days off work – more value to yourself and more value to the company you work in. Physical health means not being on medication – less medical expenses. Physical health means lower premiums on your health insurance…..yes that’s how you can define value. But what about your personal value?
To us, ‘healthy’ means being healthy in mind, body and yes…. in spirit or whatever you want to call that part of your being. Herbalife feeds our body, but we have to feed our minds and our spirits and that leads to personal growth.
Without personal growth, we stagnate. We, as human beings have been made to evolve. Our brains have an immense capacity to do whatever we feed it. No active input – no active output. Blogging is but one aspect of our Herbalife platform. Behind the blogging, we have an incredible team, who are doing brilliant work with the Herbalife products. We use the products daily. In addition to that, our team members are improving the quality of other people’s lives, with the Herbalife products. When we see the positive influence these products have on some else’s life, then it positively influences us. That’s part of our personal growth. Click on this link of Personal Growth to read more on this topic.
If someone is on a different health product or different nutritional program than Herbalife, but one of our blogs give them valuable information, that they can utilise, then we have achieved our goal – to bring value to someone’s life through the Herbalife products. Yes, indirectly. Do you want to improve your health? Do you want to be part of a team that encourages you to be better, to do better and in the process you can help other people to be better and do better? Then join us – a group of likeminded people, who continue to strive to be better and do better.
Follow these 5 simple steps to join us:
- Click on the following link https://uk.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com/ (Change the country of residence if necessary)
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46114499“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “JUL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
Our personal value can increases, when we start to value ourselves first. Our bodies are wonderful ‘machines’ that can be programmed to do ANYTHING. We have a choice in the way we think. Personal growth starts with us. It starts in our mind. It starts by being aware. It starts by being present with ourselves first and appreciating ourselves first. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, that’s ok. We don’t all start from the same starting blocks and we don’t all have the same finishing line. That’s what make us so unique. It’s the start of a path with so many possibilities. It’s the start of a new beginning. It’s the start of your new personal growth. Enjoy it!
Tags: are you growing, personal development, personal growth
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