Day 8: Love Yourself to Love Others (90 Day Video Blogging Challenge)
“If you will take care of you, for me, I will take care of me, for you.” This statement by the late Jim Rohn, personal development coach extraordinair, is the starting point of personal development, reshaping your mind, your body and your life. The message is simple, “you have to first love yourself, before you can truly love others”.
The ratio is this:
There are certain things in life that nobody else can do for you. Only you can do it…for you.
Enjoy today’s video! I apologise for the “dorky” video pic cover…one would have thought YouTube will give you more power to select these things! 🙂
Love Yourself to Love Others
Day 8: Love Yourself to Love Others (90 Day Video Blogging Challenge)
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your hear, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” ~ Matthew 22:37-39
In order to truly love others, you must first love yourself. Loving yourself means taking care of yourself. There are certain things that other people cannot do for you, even if they desperately want to.
Other people cannot:
- change your mind for you – they can argue and reason with you… but that is where it ends.
- reshape your body – they can beg, plead, give you the nutritional products to use, give you a gym membership…but that is where it ends.
- change your philosophies – they can give you the books to read, audios to listen to, share the blog posts…but that is where it ends.
You have to WANT to do these things. Once you truly WANT it, you can make a DECISION to do something about it. Then you make a COMMITMENT to yourself (by writing it down and signing it) and if you really want to hold yourself accountable, you make your commitment PUBLIC.
The first step however, is to Love Yourself.
That is how you change your life…if you WANT to.
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To follow my 90 Day Healthy Video Blogging Series via email, just enter your email address below.
If you missed out on the previous days of the video blogging series, you can watch it here:
Day 3: How to Apply Online to Live Healthy
Day 4: Chunking to Get Clarity on the Real Reason you want to Lose Weight
Day 5: Why we should be grateful and thankful, no matter what
Day 6: A Healthy Body Needs a Healthy Mind – Autosuggestion
Day 7: Seal the Deal on Your Healthier Future
Please share this video, Love Yourself to Love Others, with your friends. Your comments below are also tremendously appreciated.
To your happiness, health and prosperity!
Tags: love is all that matters, love one another, love others, love yourself, love yourself to love others
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