The 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
Design Your Life
The 5 major pieces of the life puzzle to help you design your life, were taught to me by the late great Jim Rohn.
We all need to learn to design a good life. Put these 5 puzzle pieces together, and you will live a great life!
[Design Your Life Video]
The 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle to Design Your Life
They are:
- Philosophy
- Attitude
- Activity
- Results
- Lifestyle
1. Philosophy – The first piece of the 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
Philosophy is the sum total of all your knowledge. Your philosophy of life will be the sum total of all your knowledge of life. Your philosophy on online marketing, comes from the sum total of all the knowledge you gathered thus far on the subject. Your philosophy about healthy living….you guessed it…..it is the sum total of all the knowledge you have gathered on the subject! Philosophy is the starting point to design your life.
Where do you get new knowledge from?
- Your own experiences
- Other people’s experiences
- Books
- Audios
- Videos
- Seminars
- Authoritative speakers
2. Attitude – The second piece of the 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
Your attitude is determined by your FEELINGS.
That is why it is always important to act when the emotions are high and the feelings strong. You simply will be more productive.
Your attitude is your desire to do things. The stronger your feelings, the stronger your desire. You need a strong desire – a strong attitude – to design your life in a powerful way.
3. Activity – The third piece of the 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
Without activity, your ideas, dreams and desires, are stillborn. Activity (taking action) produces results. Nothing else produce results.
- First: Do WHAT you can.
- Second: Do the BEST you can.
We only have to plant the seeds. God will make them grow. Just imagine if God planted the seeds and we had to make them grow!!! That will keep us up all night long…trying to figure it out!
Our part of the bargain is very simple:
- Prepare the ground.
- Plant (not chant).
- Nourish the garden. Water it. Weed it. Protect it from the sun.
- Stay around. (Some people plant….then leave to start a new garden. There they plant….then leave to start a new garden….) The lesson is this: When you signed up for a season – see it through. Don’t quit.
- Harvest.
- Enjoy your harvest, but save a portion to re-invest (buy some more seeds).
4. Results – The fourth piece of the 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
Finally results is the name of the game.
You must make reasonable progress in reasonable time.
The field (our activity in the field) must produce a harvest.
In life you produce better results by focusing on the few things (20%) that produces 80% of the results.
You have to check your results regularly. At first we don’t ask for productivity results. At first we only ask for activity results. Results should be checked regularly. Here are a few good times to check your results to see if you are on track:
- At the end of the day.
- At the end of the week.
- At the end of the month.
- At the end of 90 days.
- At the end of 6 months.
- At the end of the year.
- Every 5 Years.
Here are 3 important questions to ask:
- How much money have you saved and invested over the last 5 years?
- How many books have you read in the last 90 days?
- How many classes did you attend in the last 6 months to better yourself?
If your above numbers are not that good, you need to change something…now!
Different actions bring different results. Your actions are determined by your philosophies.
This video by Tony Robins explains how to achieve the best results you possibly can – be sure to watch it…and then watch it again!!!
5. Lifestyle – The final piece of the 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
You have to take your results and invest it into your lifestyle. Use it to fashion for yourself a good life. You have to weave it like a tapestry.
If you wish to be wealthy – – -> Study wealth
If you wish to be happy – – -> Study happiness
If you wish to be healthy – – -> Study good health
The study will increase your knowledge, which in turn will improve your philosophy, which in turn drives your actions, which in turn produce your results.
You know the saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
I say, “Dream it, design it, live it.”
To your happiness, health and prosperity!
~ Will Kilian
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Tags: 5 major pieces of the life puzzle, attitude determined by emotions, design your life, join herbalife, life puzzle, living a good life, personal development, philosophy of life
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