Herbalife24 Fit Day 4 – Motivation 17.10.13
We started this Herbalife24 Fit challenge 3 weeks ago. We are reporting on day 4. This first 3 weeks are exactly the same with different programs for each day. Have we struggled?The biggest challenge, honestly, was getting up. I think it might be the main reason why we (and most people) start out but don’t stay the course. If you have a ‘exercise buddy’ to work out with, your chances of continuing is going to be better.
Its the consistency of ‘sticking with the program’. We have realised that doing the Herbalife24 Fit program together, helps us to overcome the challenge of ‘do I really have to?’ The chance of sticking with it, is much bigger. I think if you have a personal trainer, then you might also think…… I am actually paying for this session, so not arriving is going to cost me in more ways than one.
We are just so excited to share our results with you! The training has never felt overwhelming. We have not bought any specialised foods. We generally have a good nutritional diet and we’ve been eating our normal meals with our kids at night. The only difference is that for the Herbalife24 Fit program we have more Herbalife shakes during the day and snack on Herbalife protein bars in order to have the correct amount of protein for the day.
Herbalife24 Fit Day 4 – Results 
We both fell into the ‘normal’ category when we started, so here are our Herbalife24 Fit results after 3 weeks of following the Herbalife24 fitness DVD series and using the Herbalife products.
Element Eldred Before Eldred after Change
Weight 69,1kg 68,7kg Down
Body fat 18,9% 17,5% Down
Water 54,6% 55,6% Up – this means more lean muscle
Lean Muscle 53,2kg 53,8kg Up
Biological age 33 29 Down (chronological age 39)
Element Michelle Before Michelle After Change
Weight 62,6kg 61,6kg Down
Body fat 31,8% 30,4% Down
Water 47,7% 48,5% Up – this means more lean muscle
Lean Muscle 40,6kg 40,7kg Up
Biological age 38 35 Down (chronological age 40)
Have a look at this video from Samantha Clayton – get yourself an exercise buddy for your Herbalife24 Fit program and start your own challenge.
We hope we can motivate you to either get started on your Herbalife24 Fit program or to stay the course, whether you are starting a new nutritional plan, a new job, trying a new hobby – it doesn’t matter what your journey is.
Make your decision on what you want to do
Get your buddy for your project
Know you can do it
Start! Just make a start!!!
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Tags: herbalife, herbalife 24 results, herbalife motivation, herbalife northern ireland, herbalife results, herbalife24 fit, join herbalife, join herbalife online
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