Herbalife review – who is Herbalife? How does it work? What products and services does it bring to the market place? How can you benefit from Herbalife? This Herbalife review will answer these questions.
Updated Herbalife Review :
- Latest update: 22 April 2016
- Updated on 7 September 2013 “Should You Join Herbalife?”
- Previous Herbalife Review – 8 September 2012
Herbalife history
Herbalife was founded on 1 February 1980 by Mark Hughes. Driven by a passion to find a safe and effective way for people to control their weight through good nutrition, the Herbalife products were manufactured. Since then, the company has grown in leaps in bounds. The Herbalife nutritional supplements are now being sold in 94 countries around the globe. The mission is to take good nutrition to every household on the planet.
The Herbalife products are distributed via network marketing. This illiminates all the middlemen, keeping costs low and quality high.
The Herbalife products are used by every day people who just want to look and feel good. It’s also used by elite athletes who wants to get optimum performance from their bodies. Fueling your body with Herbalife, gives you the edge.
Herbalife Review – Should you join Herbalife?
Since the first review there were quite a few advancements that necessitated this update. One might say, it became compulsory to take a second look if you consider to join Herbalife.
Okay, so you have looked at the Herbalife products and have seen the amazing results people from all around the world (over 94 countries now!) experience on them, or you have tried the products yourself and experienced those results first hand. What follows is a Herbalife Review of the Herbalife Compensation Plan and Registration Options for customers and future consumers and distributors.
Where there is a great product, delivering magical results, there must be a phenominal business opportunity, and it is no different with Herbalife, except that the company offers that opportunity to everyone, instead of pocketing all the profits for themselves. The wealth literally get’s distributed to those distributors who deserve it most. The Herbalife compensation plan, as you will see in this updated Herbalife review, is based on a very unique and innovative marketing plan that rewards you in accordance with your production. A new Herbalife distributor can therefore out-earn a long time Herbalife distributor in a very short space of time, if the new Herbalife distributor out performs the other. The Herbalife marketing plan is definitely worth a closer look. For an overview of the Herbalife Marketing plan, this free Herbalife basic training website is good value for your time –> http://ezhealthbiz.com/training/herbalife-compensation-plan/herbalife-marketing-plan-overview/
Who may sell Herbalife?
Only those who join Herbalife may sell Herbalife. The products are distributed via a network of independent distributors, now called members. You can only buy Herbalife products from a registered distributor or member. To become a Herbalife member, you have to be registered as such. This happens through a process called “sponsoring” or “recruiting”. You can only be sponsored or recruited into the Herbalife network, by someone who is already a member. For this process, you will need to purchase a Herbalife Member Pack, referred to as an HMP. This contains all the information you need to get started – an application form with a unique Herbalife identification number and some products for you to use. The Herbalife Member Pack typically costs less than $100, no matter in which Herbalife country you are. This makes joining Herbalife extremely affordable. Anyone, 18 years and older, can join as a Herbalife member.
Herbalife Australia get’s a new HMP – To Join Herbalife has just become cheaper and easier!
This Herbalife registration option is now more in line with the competitive option to register as a USA distributor for $56.
Herbalife review of Countries – You can join Herbalife in the following countries:
Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgeria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zambia.
Online Herbalife Distributor Application – A business System for the Future
There has never been a better time to join Herbalife. Herbalife is currently rolling out an online sponsoring system, which is remarkable. In most countries you still need to first buy and be in possession of your new IBP before you can enroll online. In the USA, South Africa, Australia and some other countries, they now have the option where you can enroll online first, and thereafter they deliver your IBP to you, making the process slightly faster and more efficient. [More and more countries are now open for direct online sponsoring. Australia is one of the latest countries where you can now join Herbalife online in the comfort of your own home.]
Your unique Herbalife ID number registers you onto the worldwide Herbalife computer system. Herbalife keeps track of all your business on your behalf and takes care of about 95% of the usual business admin a conventional business would have, giving you more free time to focus on building your distributorship and taking advantage of the compensation plan.
As a distributor, you have the right to do two things:
- purchase the Herbalife products at a minimum discount of 25%, and
- to sponsor other people into your network, like you have been sponsored.
You have this right in ALL of the official Herbalife countries! You literally get an international business when you register as a Herbalife distributor. You can immediately start doing business in all of the above listed countries as if you yourself have offices there. It is quite amazing. The Herbalife computer system will track all your business for you all over the world, and you get access to that in your own online Herbalife back office. Every month, if your are the Supervisor level, you also receive a paper statement in the mail that captures all the business activity in your entire Herbalife network, at no extra cost to you.
Instructions to Join Herbalife now
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
Herbalife Review – Herbalife Online Countries
Here is a list of the Herbalife countries you can currently join online – 35. Remember, this list is ever expanding as the online Herbalife network gets updated for all the Herbalife countries.
USA, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Venezuela.
Sponsoring people to join Herbalife online in your own Herbalife business is an essential skill that you need to learn, if you are serious about Herbalife. Following this online system, is just so easy and simple…anyone can do it!
Let me be the first to welcome you into Herbalife! It’s my honour to have you in my Herbalife team. I have personally lost 36kg on the Herbalife products and kept it off since 1996. (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.) I can most certainly guide you to achieve your very own weight loss goals.
Okay, enough talk. Let’s go!
Herbalife Review – Business Methodology
As you are an independent distributor, you work for yourself. You don’t work for Herbalife, nor the person who sponsored you. Your distributorship is your own business. Nobody is going to boss you around; in fact, you are the boss. However, it is a business for yourself, but not by yourself. Your sponsor and the people in your network, are all there to support you and assist you as best they can. Herbalife conduct distributor trainings at all levels on a regular basis all around the world, as well as online.
Herbalife Review – The Company Strategy is a simple one:
Use the products yourself
Belief in the effectiveness of the products are essential; you cannot recommend it to others, if you don’t use it yourself and know that it works.
Wear the Herbalife brand
This is just a simple conversation starter. People will notice, make some remark and you can choose to share Herbalife with them.
Talk to people
Everybody can benefit from these products. Tell your friends and family that you are involved in Herbalife, that you can recommend the products and if ever somebody talks to them about Herbalife or they know someone that might be interested, to keep you in mind. The chances are that if you don’t talk to them first, somebody else will. There are no limits on how you talk to people. The crux is to show them the results people get on the products and give them enough information to make an informed decision. You can also make use of the internet to recruit more people.
The Herbalife Compensation Plan Reviewed
An Herbalife Review would not be complete unless we look at the compensation plan as well. You will find valuable links to other websites in this section as well.
Herbalife has arguably the best marketing plan in the network marketing industry, paying back 73% of the turnover to the independent distributors. All the more reason to join Herbalife now.
There are FOUR possible income streams you can earn with “Herbalife”. Two of them are active incomes and two are passive.
Here is how it works. When you share Herbalife with people, and they are interested, they will obviously want to try the products. They can do so as retail customers, i.e. buy the products from you at the full retail price, or they can buy it at wholesale from you or Herbalife, at a minimum 25% discount. (If they want to buy at wholesale, you will first have to sponsor them into the business.) For this reason, it is always prudent to have a little bit of stock on hand. If they buy at retail, you make an immediate retail profit. You purchased the products at a discount, they pay retail price, the difference is your retail profit.
If they want to purchase at wholesale, they will need to get registered with an IBP. This will put them on an immediate 25% discount. The difference between your discount and their discount, will be your wholesale profit.
Discount/Wholesale system
Herbalife has a discount system of 25%, 35%, 42% and 50%. The more products you and your distributors purchase during any given month, the higher your discount will be. Each discount position relates to a level in the marketing plan you can step up to. Once qualified to a higher discount position, you will remain there for 12 months. If during those 12 months you requalify to that position, you will remain there for the next 12 months. These initial levels are:
25% – Distributor
35% – Senior Consultant
42% – Success Builder (One time discount)
42% – Qualified Producer
50% – Supervisor
To earn the second level of income, wholesale profit, you need to be at a higher discount level than the distributor purchasing the products.
Volume points explained
Each product is assigned a volume point value and the products are counted in volume points. This is to create equality in all the different Herbalife countries around the world, in spite of the individual currencies of those countries. For example, a Formula 1 Nutritional Shake is assigned 23.95 volume points, or vp. This way, the company can keep track of all the products that were purchased by you and your network of distributors, wherever they might find themselves in the Herbalife world.
Over here you can find an article explaining the Herbalife volume point system:
To make maximum retail and wholesale profit, you need to be at the Supervisor level, which also opens up the passive income streams.
The volume points that are purchased to qualify you to the Supervisor level, can be purchased at a maximum of 42% discount. This is called your qualifying volume. The very next month, you will be on the 50% discount level.
There are various different ways to qualify to the Supervisor level. The simplest is the one-month method. In essence you need 4000 volume points in one month, of which at least 1,000 was personally purchased by you. You can just simply purchase the 4,000 vp outright at a 42% discount and qualify that way, or you can qualify with somebody else in your network. More than one person can qualify together, using the same volume points, provided they are in the same line and provided each one of them has at least 1,000 personally purchased volume that is not used by someone else for qualification. This is called the buddy system. If two people who are in the same line want to qualify to the Supervisor level, they will need 5,000 volume points, which could be shared between them. If they are three in a line, they will need 6,000 volume points for the month, which again can be shared. The more in one line who qualify together, the cheaper it becomes to qualify to the Supervisor level. A superior way to qualify to the Supervisor position, is to do so by building a team of distributors first. Their volume counts toward you. If for example you and your group are 40 people strong, and you each purchase 100 vp of products in the same month, you will qualify as a Supervisor.
When your distributors also qualify to the Supervisor level, you will start earning a monthly royalty income on the total turnover of that Supervisors network of distributors. The royalty overrides gets paid three Supervisor levels deep.
Once your royalties increase to above 1,000 for three consecutive months, you qualify to the Global Expansion Team, where after a further monthly passive income, called a production bonus, starts kicking in. At the GET team your production bonus is 2% on the total turnover of your whole supervisor network, infinitely deep.
Once your Royalties increase to above 4,000 for three consecutive months, you qualify to the Millionaire Team, and your production bonus will increase to 4%.
Once your Royalties increase to above 10,000 for three consecutive months, you will qualify to the Presidents Team, where after your production bonus increases to 6%.
As if that is not enough, once you are at the President’s Team level and one of your distributors also reaches this level, you will start sharing in a 1% yearly bonus pot, where 1% of Herbalife’s total turnover for that year, get’s shared amongst the top earners. With a turnover of about $5 billion, you do the math.
The Herbalife Online Order System is explained in the following article, with a short video showing you exactly how easy it is to order from the comfort of your own home, once you are registered as a Herbalife distributor:
Herbalife Review – How to make money with Herbalife
Can you make money with Herbalife? Absolutely, but it does require you to work. As a matter of fact, the largest 6-7 income earners in Herbalife, have all learned the value of building their own Herbalife network and teaching them how to reach the success levels that they desire.
Here is a link to a training article that provides a very basic, but powerful strategy to build your Herbalife business the lucrative way.
To get started:
- Purchase an IBP and get registered.
- Decide at what discount level you want to start. Where you start, is not where you have to stay. You can move up any time you want.
- Order your first products at a discount.
- Use as many of the products as you can afford, and use it daily as recommended. Your personal results on the products, will be your best advertisement.
- Make a list of all your friends and relatives and send them a “just to let you know” letter, to inform them that you are doing Herbalife. Relationships are more important than business. Take care not to damage the relationship by the way you approach your friends or family. They will tell you if they are interested or if they know somebody that might be.
- Set goals for yourself; which level are you aiming for next etc.
- Start building your network.
- Learn as much as you can about the company, the products and the business. You can do so by reading the manuals, watching the dvd’s, talk to your sponsor, attend distributor trainings near you and watch online Herbalife training videos and Herbalife webinars.
- There are limitless methods of doing the business. As long as you stay within the Herbalife rules and guidelines, you can determine your own marketing strategies.
Join the diet foods revolution – join Herbalife today
If you want to become a Herbalife distributor to buy the products at a discount or to utilise the compensation plan, you can go to the Herbalife Online Application website. You need a sponsor and his Herbalife ID number. You need to type in the first 3 letters of his/her surname and ID. If you do not have a sponsor, I will sponsor and look after you. Your access info are:
First 2-3 letter’s of sponsor’s last name: KIL
Sponsor’s Herbalife ID: 46024370
You can access the Secure Online Application website by clicking HERE. In the video below I reveal my own personal weight loss results on the Herbalife nutritional products and show you exactly how you can enrol in Herbalife in 5-10 minutes, right where you are in the comfort of your own home.
You can access the Secure Online Application website by clicking HERE. If you decided to join me in Herbalife, thank you. I look forward to meeting you and will speak to you soon.
As they say, “You’ve got to be in it, to win it.” and life is no different; neither is Herbal life.
If you want to see our team’s new online blogging system in action, which also doubles up as a members hangout in the back office (sorry, password protected – only for members), then connect with us at www.ezhealthbiz.com where we utilise the Herbalife compensation plan in a very unique way.
You can also read:
Can You Make Money with Herbalife
For a Herbalife Review of the Herbalife nutrition products:
Herbalife Product Review
Sponsor’s message
I am a proud Herbalife distributor, Supervisor and Global Expansion Team Member. The Herbalife products changes (and saved my life). I lost 36kg in 6 months and keep it off for over 17 years now. All thanks to Mark Huges and this amazing company called Herbalife. (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
My passion is to help as many families around the world to experience the magical benefits of Herbalife’s cellular nutrition, which is provided in the Herbalife nutrition product line.
We all deserve to be happy, healthy and prosperous. The Herbalife products and business opportunity make it possible for average, normal people like myself to change their lives for the better for ever.
Join my vision. Here is an overview of the Herbalife vision. Joins us today. Join Herbalife in one of the fastest growing teams. You will be glad you did. 😀
If you like this content please click “like and share”.
Will Kilian
Email: wjkilian@gmail.com
Work with us Personally at www.ezhealthbiz.com
Tags: get sponsored in herbalife, herbalife business review, herbalife review, herbalife scam, join herbalife, join herbalife online, lose weight with herbalife, register for herbalife, review of herbalife business, why not join herbalife, why to join herbalife
Leave A Reply (3 comments so far)
Herbalife is the sponsor of my favourite club FC Barcelona so I think they’re cool. Thanks for sharing, I was supprised of the video played straight away when I jump in to your blog.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Jack. Hope the autoplay didn’t startle you too much. 🙂
thanks for sharing this amazing video of Herbalife ! I also love herbalife too! keep rocking mate !