Herbalife Mini IBP – Mini International Business Pack
I hope you are enjoying Will’s video blogging. I almost feel like I’m disturbing his rhythm by writing this blog, but here goes…..the new Herbalife Mini IBP . Now I know you might be one the people out there, who read our blogs and / or are using Herbalife products at full retail price. You might be one of the people who is aware of Herbalife, but feel to buy an IBP is quite a lot of money. Well, if you don’t know it yet, Herbalife recently launched a Herbalife Mini IBP.
This Herbalife mini IBP makes your 25% discount much more accessible.
The Herbalife mini IBP costs approximately £30 in the UK. As a general rule this is about a third of the original price of the original IBP. This is an absolute steal, as a Herbalife shake at full retail price costs £27,60 in the UK. Herbalife is almost giving the literature away.
How do you get the mini IBP? Well you need your sponsors surname and Herbalife number, to order a Mini IBP.
SKU# 5451. What does that SKU# 5451 mean. Every Herbalife product has a unique code associated with it, so no matter where you are in the world, the products have exactly the same SKU number, when you order. I will give you 5 easy steps to get access to your own Herbalife Mini IBP.
What do you get in the mini IBP? Well, your Herbalife shake obviously. Herbalife = Nutrition and all the literature to start your own Herbalife business.
Your options with the Herbalife Mini IBP are –
1 – use it to get your 25% minimum discount and use the products at wholesale
2 – start your own Herbalife business
Now you might have thoughts or questions as you might have had before, that’s why you haven’t signed up to Herbalife. Read my blog ‘Take risks in life. Think, evaluate, calculate, jump!’ and decide what you would like to do.
It’s your decision. You know what is best for you. If you would like to join us, then have a look below.
- Click on the following link https://uk.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com/ (Change the country of residence if necessary)
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46114499“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “JUL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
Hope this gives you the opportunity you have been waiting for! Ordering your Herbalife Mini IBP is an easy way to join the worlds number one nutritional company! To your health! Enjoy!

Tags: Business Opportunity, healthy body, healthy families, Herbalife MIni IBP, Weight Loss
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