90 Day Healthy Video Blogging Challenge – Day 1: Cellular Nutrition

cellular nutrition
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I have committed today to do a 90 day video blogging challenge.

The challenge is to make unedited, uncut videos with compelling content. Videos that provide the viewer with value.

90 Day Healthy Video Blogging Challenge – Cellular Nutrition


Disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.


This video on day 1 is simply a chat about the Herbalife Shake and cellular nutrition.

The further challenge…the reason for doing this for 90 days, is to watch the transformations that will take place over these 90 days.

You have to be the judge. Please leave your comments below every day’s video. Your honest feedback is all I ask for. (Don’t be too harsh. 🙂 This is only day 1 and the challenge is to improve over the next 90 days…in all areas.


Thank goodness I use cellular nutrition. It looks like I will be needing it over the next 90 days. (Perhaps something stronger after I read all your comments.)

For me it is actually a double barrel challenge, as I committed to do this challenge on another blog as well. There will therefore be some days that I will be able to posts two videos to this blog, if the content of the other video is suitable for our audience here at EZHealthBiz.

You are welcome to follow me there too.

In this first video I just share with you the simplicity of having a quick, yummy, delicious and nutritious Herbalife shake for lunch. Also why we believe in proper cellular nutrition.

Over the next 90 days the challenge is to learn to create these videos from the subconscious mind and not the conscious mind. That is one of the reasons that the videos are raw, unedited and uncut.

There probably will be some booboos, but I suppose that is how one learns. Be sure to highlight them for me so that I can take it on board, and do better in the videos to follow. Your positive feedback and comments will also be appreciated as I am sure that I will need a lot of pick me ups over the next 90 days. 🙂

As I said, you be the judge. Now please watch this video on cellular nutrition. Actually not so much about cellular nutrition as just the shake, but I had to choose a keyword phrase. More about that in my other blog on Internet marketing.

Thank you for staying with me for the next 90 days…. Watch the above video now and be sure to leave your comments and feedback below. The 90 day challenge is on…it has officially started…transformation here we come. Now where is my Herbalife shake? My body cells are calling for some more cellular nutrition!

To your Happiness, Health and Prosperity! 

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