Day 13: Getting Back To Basics of Living
How can you live a good life, if you havent’ even mastered the basics?
Getting back to basics is the best advice a coach can give his team when things aren’t going according to plan on the field. The same holds true for us in life.
When life does not go according to plan, getting back to basics of living is what you need to do.
Watch the video now, and then read the rest of my remarks. Feel free to leave your comment afterwards.
Day 13: Getting Back To Basics of Living
Day 13: Getting Back To Basics of Living (90 Day Video Blogging Series)
This video looks at the barest of basics…4 bottom line basics. It does not get any more basic than these 4. When it comes down to living, these four are the only critical basic needs that have to be met. Here is the crux: Nobody can meet these basics on your behalf. You and only you, can do it for you. Meet these basic needs well, with the best quality life has to offer, and you WILL live a good life.
Treating these four as foundational building blocks to your life, will set you up for an exceptional life. But if you fail to fullfil your basic needs in any of these four, it does not matter how much money you have, how many friendships you have or how spiritual you are…your life will be less than….
In this video:
Getting back to basics of living
- If your nutritional requirements are not yet met…
- If you do not yet feed your body the best cellular nutrition to function at an optimum level…
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5. Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
To follow this 90 Day Healthy Video Blogging Series via email, just enter your email address below.
90 Day Healthy Video Blogging Series:
Day 3: How to Apply Online to Live Healthy
Day 4: Chunking to Get Clarity on the Real Reason you want to Lose Weight
Day 5: Why we should be grateful and thankful, no matter what
Day 6: A Healthy Body Needs a Healthy Mind – Autosuggestion
Day 7: Seal the Deal on Your Healthier Future
Day 8: Love Yourself to Love Others
Day 9: Cultivating Healthy Habits
Day 10: Getting things done today
Day 11: Challenge to Succeed and the Power of Journaling
Day 12: Is it legal? How do I know?
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Day 13: Getting Back To Basics of Living
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To your happiness, health and prosperity!
Tags: basics of healthy living, basics of life, getting back to basics, healthy living basics
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